Pacific Blvd Streetscape Plan

Client: City of Huntington Park

Location: Huntington Park, CA


2015 American Planning Association (APA) Los Angeles award winner.


Pacific Boulevard or “La Pacific” as it is known locally, is one of the top three highest grossing commercial districts in the County of Los Angeles. HERE Co-Directors worked on two projects on Pacific, first by leading a Streetscape Plan that focused on reestablishing the street’s grandeur, and transforming the space into a complete street for all transportation modes. Project completed while at previous firm, Melendrez. Images courtesy of Melendrez.

The Plan took advantage of the street’s wide right-of-way from the old Red Car line that ran down the middle - to introduce the ‘Pacific Promenade,’ a wide ‘Ramblas-like’ strolling area in the middle of the street with special paving, branded signage, and areas for vendors. This area was designed to accommodate the many parades and festivals that help define the neighborhood.

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